IM two weeks to go

Hmmm, didn’t think this day would actually come, it seemed so far away when all this kicked off, at the tail end of last year. But here we are, two weeks today I will have either made the time limits, or not..

So the last update was two months ago, not sure what has happened since then. I know I have cycled to Worcester which was a good 85 mile, and went out with Mr Marr last Sat for a sixty with a few hills on.

I have ran an 18 miler, up hill and down dale – which hurt quite a lot, and I went in the sea – once.

I guess the question is, am I ready now – and yeah, I am. I think looking back I should have done better, but it’s quite an undertaking to train for one of these – it’s been many weeks of mostly doing something everyday – but looking back, it’s only about 10 hrs a week – which seems less than I thought it would be.

Anyway, I read the instructions, I know where to pour the food stuff and liquid, I know how to cycle and swim and run, and I think if I make it to the run within the 10.5 hr window I’ll hopefully make it around – can’t say more than that.

Other than that, I am pretty much sick of it – I can’t say I have enjoyed the training for this event, nothing like last year and the halves, or even the year before for the “big” run. But two more weeks and it’ll be over.

Maybe I’ll learn the piano next, and certainly have more lie ins.