
Here we are then, 2020 and the plague has hit.

Odd times when the whole country is now in “lockdown”, and one is not really allowed out without good reason – like to get some butter icing or something.

I am not sure, but I may have the bug, the symptoms came on like this:

Day -1

Had a little bit of a cough – nothing that different to usual,but one of those that makes you think you might have a cold coming along

Day 1

Bit more of a cough, but only in very small fits and starts, starting to feel tender on my back, and feeling a little washed out – went for a run in the morning, so still had energy, but later on was suffering slightly with being “bothered” to do any work.

Day 2

More of the same, no running, but a bit of Yoga and felt okay, back was more tender, and gave up for a couple of hours about lunch time to have a lie down for an hour or so. Not a perfect nights sleep.

Day 3

Pains started last night – mostly in the back, and neck. Slightly more difficult to breath, but not any worse than other colds really. Didn’t fancy going for a run! Feeling a little light headed and more tender around the back,..

Day 4

Started a lot better, but after lunch felt pretty dizzy and it was more difficult to get oxygen in. Had a little sleep between 3 and 5, still a bit dizzy in the evening, went to bed at 9 and felt like every breath wasn’t getting enough air/oxygen in – nothing to get gaspy about, but just always uncomfortable. Reminded me of when I was swim training, when you would breath after every other stroke, but it never felt like you had quite enough air in you.

Day 5

Up early – sick of sleeping, still don’t have enough breath so went for a 5 mile run. No issues with that, when I got home, feel a little light-headed, slightly dizzy and the breath still doesn’t quite get enough in – I assume these are all related to slight lack of oxygen… Starting sneezing this afternoon, so nose starting to run. Also seemed to have lost sense of smell.

Day 6

Still got what feels like a “normal” cold now, with runny nose slight cough, sneezing. Other than that feel more washed out than yesterday, but that may be because I am just not doing anything…

Day 7

Should be gone now? Anyway very tired this morning, stayed in bed until 8:30 sleeping. Just tired today, still a bit of sneezing and shortness of breath, but feel mostly better now.

Day 8

Might be fixed now. Still slight shortness of breath and a bit of a cough – also tiny headache. But the overall tiredness is probably gone now. So that’s that. Will try a run tomorrow…

Day 9

Ran – feela lot better, but still have the tight chest and slight cough

Day 10

Ran again – feel better, but still tight chest. Had four Peroni’s – tidy.

Day 11/12/13

Some running, lots of sneezing

Day 14

Felt a bit shite today, just tired really, bit of sneezing and a bit of a cough. Getting fed up with this really..

Day 15

Worse again today. Had a bit of a coughing fit last night, chest is tight and a bit sore today. Feel a bit drained..

Day 16

Not too bad – so had a beer or 12

Day 17

Had a number of beers last night, not feeling brilliant today – bit of a hangover so not sure how ill

Day 18

Quite difficult to breath tonight, worse its been – mostly because I couldn’t breath through my nose, which just made things feel worse than they were – closest to thinking about phoning the doctor. A little scary.

Day 19

A little better, sat around yet again – still feels like its slightly difficult to breath

Day 20

Good run this morning. Feeling better with the lungs, just feeling of hay fever now.

Day 21

Feels like hayfever now, blocking and running nose, slight cough, slight shortness of breath – just annoying really…

Day 22.

Quite bad last night, felt quite difficult to breath, nose was blocked again, but slept from 12:00. Today I ran, which probably wasn’t the best idea, felt difficult to breath all day – not impossible, just more difficult than normal. Had some piriten.

Day 23

Felt a bit better today, during the day breathing was a little easier, still some coughing fits and sneezing. Seemed to get worse towards bedtime, had some Vicks which helped for a bit. Slept okay. Another piriten.

Day 24

Worse again today, tight chest now, not really had this before. If this is just a cold, than this is the last stage before coughing up stuff and it all being over – fingers crossed. Eyes sore, and still sneezing in between the coughs!!!! Another piriten, not sure its helping that much.

Day 25

Worse day ever!!! Coughing, sneezing, full nose – but worse thing was real trouble breathing.Had to get up at 5:30 as it was so uncomfortable. Once up its okay, but every breath is “limited”, and you can feel that the air isn’t getting right around your lungs. Feels about 50% capacity or less – it’s sort of like breathing under the bed covers, where you don’t quite get enough oxygen. Really thought this might be time to go to the hospital.

Struggled all day, did go for a half hour walk, which actually made things a little better, then was dreading going to bed – but it was fine. For reference I had a gulp of cough medicine in the day – don’t think that cured it tho?


Hooray!!! Can actually breath again today, although not perfect, it is like supping on nectar drinking in that sweet sweet air! Still sneezing, cough feels like it is about to break, far far easier to breath – hopefully thats it now. Will make sure I dont run for a week, to make sure I dont make it worse…

Day 27

Chest got a bit tight last night, was a bit worried it may come back – but it didn’t. Still able to breathe pretty well this morning, do feel more tired that usual – won’t be running! Sneezing seems to have stopped and it does feel like we may have some loose gunk in the lungs that hopefully will start shifting later… Got pretty knackered around midday, so after being told for the last 20 days, I am finally going to take a few extra days off sick – first time ever….

Day 28

28 days later! First day off sick that I can remember ever – feels very weird. Breathing is a little better I think, lots more coughing though – but just like a normal cough, and very dry again – mostly feel drained, tried and quite a bit dizzy – but the might be from lying down all blumming day. Not been out anywhere today – just about to get 10 mins in the sun tho…

Day 29

Feeling much better now, still have a heavyish intermittent cough, and just feel tired and a little dizzy still – not sure if that is just because I have been lying around so much… Breathing is still not 100%, very easy to get out of breath by doing almost anything!! Had a bit of a blip just after lunch, when after getting some sunshine found the breathing was more difficult than before – not sure what it was, as it went after about half and hour and has been okay since…

Day 30

Slept well, discovered that although I could breath in and “fill” my lungs at the end of last week, breathing in now means that I can keep breathing in a lot more air than before – which is odd, as I had not noticed much wrong when doing it last week. Mostly tired, breathless when doing *anything*, dizzy and a bit of a headache today.

Day 31

One month in! Felt like I had a big chunk of gunk on my chest this morning – seems to have mostly gone by lunchtime. Still coughing a bit, just feel tired and out of breath still – it’s not getting better quickly! Ability to breath in a deep breath of sweet, sweet oxygen feels not far off normal now though which is great.

Day 32

Hopefully that is it now. Lungs feel pretty good, still a bit of something on my chest, still a little cough, still a little breathless – but I feel like these things will just take time to go.

So – what a thing that was, although I have not had any tests, what ever I had was something I haven’t experienced before. Luckily I wasn’t badly affected, and in the most part was just an inconvenience. But that one Saturday, when the breathing was hard was very worrying.