Tri Training – In Summary


So we are done, finally finished the event in 3:22 which was something I was very pleased with. I had initially thought about doing one way back on January 13th 2013. 1500K Swim, 43K Cycle, 10.6K run


Position: 197 / 240 – not exactly sure how many started, 268 were signed up

Bib: 174

Swim: 31:28.1, 186 Transition: 00:03:23.20, 212

Cycle: 01:39:09.95, 184 Transition: 00:01:44.15, 211

Run: 01:06:41.40, 202

Position:197  In age category (Veteran!!): 60 In Gender (I think): 155



Run: 203 miles, average of 8.5 miles a week

Cycle: 480 miles (plus the carten 106miles), average of 20 miles a week

Swim: 1279 minutes / 21.3 hrs, average of 55 minutes a week

Beers: 312, average of 13 a week



WetSuit: 150

Wheels: 350

Pool Membership: 180

Entry Fee: 60

Misc: 100

Total: 840

Pembrokeshire Triathlon – 29th June, 2013 – On Land


It was great to be on the bike – really felt great at this point, as I took my first few peddles, saw the support staff, and was off up Broad Haven front – I took on some liquid and overtook a couple of people along here I was flying, then the hill came.

The hill out of Broad Haven isn’t massive, but it was today – down a gear, keep it spinning, down a gear, down a gear – no more gears… But I was catching a couple in front which helps with your mental-ness, but I was also passed by a couple who just breezed past me. After a while we were out on the open road and I really got down to it, luckily the roads were being marshaled and it was great to not have to stop at junctions, the pace was quick(ish) and the up and down was going well. I overtook a couple along here, but also a few overtook me. In all it was quite forgetful, I rememeber being 8 miles in and at half an hour so was outside of a 1:30 at that point, but I kept things spinning and really felt quite good for most of the cycle.

The hill up to Herbranston was a killer, but after that there were hills but nothing too terrible. I found the supporters at Tiers Cross, parked up at Stodds Tires, they really gave me a lift, and I nearly took their heads off by throwing my used water bottle at them. Before long I was back at Haverfordwest and at the turning up past the race-course the cheerleaders where there again, brilliant!

The road back into Broad Haven is usually a 20+ mph run, but today the wind was at me, and I was tired anyway, so it was a real effort to keep 16-18 mph, but the clock was ticking and I wasn’t going to make 1:30 which I had hoped. Eventually I got to the hill back into Broad Haven and could relax a little – as I got to the bottom of the hill, the winner of the tri was just coming out at the *end* of his run – he looked like a greek god as I cycled passed, the Adonis and the troll as we headed down to the beach together.

This transition should have been really speedy, but I felt a little weird at this point, and did a little day dreaming, then I couldn’t find the way out of the transition area, but after a couple of minutes I was slowly jogging down towards the beach.


The start of the course was on the beach, passed the supporters again here, they were doing an excellent job, but the run started hard. I was barely moving across the beach, but after 500 meters the going got really tough.

The route took us out towards Druidston on the coastal path, which was narrow, and rocky, and steep. It was totally mental. To finish a race running 3K upwards along an awful clifftop path is just completely nuts – I was exhausted – I could barely jog. AT one point the path was so steep there were steps, which I had to walk up (there were only 4 mind). After a while a couple of people had passed me, and I managed to pass one bloke, it was his first tri also, and as he fell into step behind me he started to chat. I couldn’t so drove on and away from the nutter.

First water stop came and went, I managed to throw the entire contents of the cup down my neck – and I actually mean down my neck to attempt to cool me down. We were on tarmac now and the run started to feel okay, I was passed by some fresh faced folk, who may, or may not have been in a team, and passed a couple myself – some of these were really suffering. After about a mile the road turned off towards H’west and the hills start again – I could not believe how hilly it was – there must have been 6k of up and 3 k of down – although that probably doesn’t work out – but there was a lot of up I can tell you. At the second water station I paused for a drink and one on the head and the breeze came up – which was nice.

Final 3k now, and I knew from the timings that I had around 25 mins to complete it. Easy I thought, well I got to the last 1k and had around 10 minutes to finish, I was quite tired at this point ;o) Final hill up was short, but a killer, then I was in Broad Haven and running down to the beach. You turn back on yourself at this point, which is quite soul destroying and you have to run back to the end slip way before you can run the final 500 meters or so on the beach – it seemed never ending. The finish post never got any bigger, or closer. Keeping an eye on the time, I felt I had 5 minutes to make it – I knew I could walk it in that time, but the seconds were flying passed. Then I saw Kate, and she skipped alongside me for the last 100 meters, really putting me to shame, but I got there 3:22 – chuffed to bits.


Pembrokeshire Triathlon – 29th June, 2013 – On Sea

HONK – went the horn, oh shit went me.

Around 270 people in skin tight suits with yellow, blue and red hats splurted into the sea. I was slow, I was last, I was scared. This would be only the second time in the whole 22 weeks of swim training where I did not have a nose clip, I almost wanted to just stop there and then, but I waded into the sea to be kicked and harassed by a number of other slippery black tri-ers.

Swimming into the waves is not easy, and within 2 seconds I was doing breast-stroke, I somehow managed to splash my way to the first buoy, around 150 meters out, and got caught in the mash at the turn – this was unpleasant – I had to stop here and was basically treading water, then I set off, catching a glimpse of the second buoy, a lifetime away. My swimming style could be classed as moronic, after all the weeks of training I was swimming with my head out of the water (well, when it wasn’t in a wave), gasping for breath at every chance – I had water down my throat and up my nose and I was the closest I have every been to quitting anything – I just could not believe I could possibly make it. I looked behind and there only seemed to be a couple of people, so I made it my aim to keep up with the person in front, who out of the whole sea seemed to take delight in kicking my face.

I got to the second buoy, and it was mad panic again, it was quite odd how so many people seem to congregate around the buoy, so I was having none of it, and kicked off and for the first time stuck my head under water and actually swam. Well what a revelation, I was actually moving well, I was blowing out through my nose with a hell of a force, then breathing every second stroke, and it was working. Sooner than expected I was around the third buoy and was on the home straight, the swimming just clicked big blow out, two strokes, quick breath and everytime I was getting a lungful of air before the sea hit me – I have no idea how or why, because I was breathing into the waves, but it just worked – I was flying. Sighting was a slight problem on this run, as there were two buoys ahead, so after some zig-zagging I was at the last one, managed to get tangled with a bloke next to me, who I raced back to the shore – after a time he just vanished, and as I looked up I realised he had just stood up and I was swimming like a maniac in 2 feet of water – I was finished, I was out, I managed the swim – woohooo!!!!!!!

Now I found that I should have practiced getting my wet suit off, as I couldn’t undo the top – more panic, I was knackered now and everyone else was sprinting passed me, I could barely walk. As i ascended the beach I managed to rip the velcro off and pulled the zip down – I was half free. My now the crowds were thicker, and I saw my supporters all looking quite pleased, so I felt I had to do a little shuffle jog up the slipway.

Got into transition, and went to the wrong bike, then the right one and struggled with what energy I had left in my arms to get the wet suit off, T-shirt on, feet dry, glasses on, gloves on, socks on, shoes on helmet on, pick up bike, head out, get on bike, pedal. At this point I saw the big timing sign – 35 minutes, thirty five blumming minutes and I was out of the transition and cycling amazed I was!


Pembrokeshire Triathlon – 29th June, 2013 – The Preperation


So here it was. The day of the triathlon, 22 weeks of “training”, 180 quid on a pool membership, 150 quid on a wetsuit, 350 on new wheels, 70 on a tri-suit and 2 quid on a tub of vasaline – I was ready.

Up early doors after the best nights sleep at my mums ever. Had a big portion of chips, sausage, fishcake, gravy and curry the night before and no beers what-so-ever. Event was to start at 12:30 and I had to be there for a briefing at 12:00, so looked at 11:00 to get going down the Haven. After multiple ablutions, I was ready for the breakfast to fuel my day – so bacon sarnies all round. Only managed 1 and a half sandwiches and two cups of tea, then it was an hour to kill. So after a number of extra stops at the white throne, I was in the trisuit and checked and re-checked the instruments of my day of torture.

I took the bike for a quick spin after pumping the tires and decided not to take my cycle shorts – which was a good idea. I then stuck some oil in the car which wasn’t. After I put the oil in, I somehow managed to knock the oil cap off the engine and through the fan into the depths of the engine bay – aarrggghhhhh PANIC!

Heart sank, as the family came rushing out to look at my stupidity, luckily Sian, who is always brave in the face of danger stuck her hand into the bowels of the car and somehow managed to rescue it, just as I was about to disassemble the bike rack. I don’t know how she did it, and she damaged all of her arm, but amazingly the oil cap was rescued – panic over.

Got down Broad Haven around 11:15, and the car park was packed, after being directed into a very odd parking space we managed to get unloaded, Kate had the bike and proceeded to wheel it through the debris on the side of the car park, with me flinching every meter. Got past the toilet and thought I might have a go, but crouching in the crab position trying to wee out of a trisuit didn’t work for me here, so I gave up and went to rack.

Having never entered, or seen a triathlon before I wasn’t too sure what was to happen, but I found a space and was given instructions as to how to rack up, and I laid my stuff under the bike – I had taken a small box to put the stuff in, which as it happened was what one does in a triathlon. I put things straight and tried to stick some energy tablets to the handle bars and failed – so I just ate a couple.

Hanging around now, so after a while I tried the toilet again, and there was quite a queue for the throne room, so I struggled and pulled and squatted and managed to get some more liquid out.

Nearly time for the briefing, so I struggled into the wetsuit, convinced that mine was the tightest there – everyone else looked tanned, and muscular and fit and powerful, I looked squished and fat. I took a walk down to the sea front at this point and felt quite scared. The waves which were breaking were around a foot of so, but you could see there was a swell behind them as the boats setting up the buoys where really wobbly. I looked at the distance, and the waves and the distance and me and the waves and once more at the distance and felt like I was going to cry…

Got vasalined up and helped to pour my top half  into the wetsuit and went to listen to the briefing. Also listened to the radio announcer who was waxing lyrical about how hard the course was, and that it was quite choppy. Time for a practice swim – earplugs in – check, stupid (but warm) yellow hat on – check, gogs on – check, nose clip on – check, and I waddled down to the water.

Had a quick swim out through the waves to the first (actually the last) buoy and panicked, then swam back and though – this is easy. As I got out of the water I attempted to adjust my nose clip, but got vasaline on it, and my nose. So, second panic of the day I looked in desperation for the supporters so I could towel it off or something. I had a short time before the start, and the stress levels were rising!!

I tried and tried and tried to get the nose clip on, it just wouldn’t, my heart sank to my knees, and then the hooter went off – my clip was tucked into my goggle strap and my first triathlon was starting.

Mystery Pub: III


Over to Aust today to visit The Boars Head, unfortunately it was a little bit wet today, so we had a quick walk down to the old ferry “port” which is in a right old state now – although it has been a while now since it was used. Hung about in the rain for a bit, then headed across the road to the Boars Head – very nice. We were greeted as we entered and pointed at the bar when we said we only wanted a beer. they had a covered (smallish) beer garden, and a larger uncovered beer garden. Inside was quite cosy in a couple of rooms, another couple of rooms didn’t look quite so hot, they had 1664 which was okay and a couple of bitters. Obviously do okay food as it got quite busy by the time we left, looks like a place which would be good for a sunny Saturday.


The Wellington Inn, Nash – Hidden away behind the hall, a quite large, old fashioned pub. We were told to be very careful of the paint on the door, which to be honest looked rubbish. San Miguel on tap, and what appeared to be a small selection of bitters. The “beer garden” was just a few tables at the front of the pub – so not great unfortuntly. But it was a nice day and the drinks went down well. The barmaid even brought a drink for the dog..


We had a look at a couple of places in Newport, they were scary. One looked shut, one lost its roof and one had some bald nasties sitting outside. In the end we went around the corner and near the Celtic Manor to a little place called,   . The Greyhound Inn, was quite a nice place, quiet and had Amstel on tap. The toilets were okay, but the beer garden was not brilliant. IN fact it was a bit of a death trap trying to get out the back, here we found the washing line being used. We sat at the front on the village square with a nice view of the church. It was still warm, and this made things okay with the world.

6 /10

Last week before I tri.


So here we are, the last week and I am in Bristol for two days , and have to put the car in the garage, so who knows how much I will be doing this week – probably not a lot. Still have not looked at the transitions, have not really cycled for 2 weeks, barely ran – I am putting it down to tapering, but in all honesty its not great – although is it worth training now – no, it is worth keeping it up and not lounging around eating, which is what I seem to be doing. Received the final details for the tri, and had a look at the run course – holy shite!

Monday started as the week means to go on – too much eating, too much sitting and nothing achieved. Had to be in Bristol with work for today, so was up at 5:30 and got home just before 18:00 so really didn’t fancy anything.

Same again on Tues – no exercise other than a trudge up to St Nicks market to pick up a Pork and Black Pudding baguette. Full of Gammon and chips was going to go out, but just cannot be bothered – I feel really really tired.

Back to a little bit of exercise today, now that things are settled down. Got in the pool just before 06:00, couple of people there, but in I went and tried the two stroke breath for a bit – it was knackering. so moved back to a four stroke which was ideal, nice long strokes and it felt good, but I kept forcing a change of breath, which made the whole exercise harder. Didn’t try any sighting, but found that I do roll the body more now with each stroke, and it is becoming slightly more natural- but I just keep thinking of the difference that bloody sea makes. My sister sent me a video and picture of the sea at Broad Haven last night, and it was like a pancake – well, it wasn’t actually, but it was pretty still. If we have that then things look up, but looking at the weather, I don’t think the weather will hold for the weekend – as long as its not blowy I don’t care – but with my bloody luck it will be stormy… Straight out on a 3 mile run when i got back – which felt pretty good. So all set. Desperate for a beer today – probably just because I know I shouldn’t ;o)

Thursday was time for a little cycle. We should have the car in the garage for a service now, but when we took it down yesterday, the key told the service bloke that it only needed an MOT – stupid bloody technology, so although it has been moaning for weeks that it wants a *service* it actually just wants an MOT. Anyway, it didn’t go in in the end. So 16 mile cycle, up and down a little, legs were burning at the beginning, but managed to keep to 17 mph, which is about the speed I need for the main event. Went from Newport across through Llanewrn today, they have opened a road right through the old steelworks from the edge of Magor to Newport – only 3 miles, will probably save about 12 miles of travelling (if you want to go to Tesco!)

So this is it – back to Pembs tomorrow, then an early night (may have a couple of beers to calm the nerves!) and we shall see what it is like. Weather says it should be perfect, but that changes daily so fingers crossed. Had a quick test of the transition – seems easy, but I suppose I will regret saying that ;o) Just heard that Greg has been ill for the last two weeks and is not sure whether he will start – 6 months training down the drain if he doesn’t – which would be a terrible shame – here’s to hoping he is okay to at least tri the tri!!!..


So here we are some 22 weeks after I decided to do an Olympic triathlon, I have managed to be able to go from swimming two 18 meter lengths with great difficultly to doing 30 50m lengths in 35 minutes. I am still crapping it over the swim, but I am defo better than I was. In 22 weeks I have run a fairt distance, and cycled some more, and swam a fair few miles – but in all that I have not taken the care on the other elements like booze and nosh – but I am at least fitter, if not much leaner, than when I first started. I still get butterflies everytime I think about Saturday and whenever I see the sea, but I feel pretty good now – and just hope I make it.

If I can finish I will be pleased, and I would hope under 4 hrs, if I can get under 3:30 I will be chuffed to bits, and quicker and it will be an impossibility. Here’s to the 29th!.

Cycle: 17 miles

Swim: 1 hr

Run: 3 miles

Beer: None (yet)

22 weeks – 2 to go


Getting nervous now. One weekend before the tri, and although I am confident on the run and cycle, I am still not too confident on the swim. I also have tweaked my knee which isn’t good, but that will hopefully be okay by weds… Another crap try at being “good”, was okay for two days, then fell off the wagon ;o)

Monday – back down the pool, just the little one and tried to swim “gently” today, looking to improve technique now, its hard in the little pool, because by the time you have breathed four times you are at the end, but its obviously better than nothing. Reasonably quiet to start with, expect for two people in the pool, one bloke I think was trying to race me, but he had to alternate between backstroke and crawl – but I just plodded on. Like last week it started filling up towards the end, so I gave up after 32 minutes. Will do full sess in the poll in Cardiff tomorrow – assuming I get up on time…

Another early start, up at 05:00 in the big pool in Cardiff at 6:15, it really is chilly in there. Took it slow and steady for the first few lengths and tried to get the breathing going every four, seemed to be okay, but even in the pool I still get that automatic panic feeling that you are out of breath, even though I am not really. Think it is going to be difficult to do the whole thing with fours – just hope its flat. So 30 lengths (and maybe 100m extra for good measure) in 35 mins which was fine by me. Got home then went out for a bike ride late afternoon, only 16 miles and not very fast, but its good to get out and spin those peddles – felt pretty good all in all.

Weds and back for a little run, usual one up and over the motorway 4.2 miles just over 9 minutes mile – so slow and steady, even tough it felt a bit quicker than that…

Thurs was a crap day, was going to go swimming in the afternoon, then had a call I was needed on – so missed my window – so nothing today.

In the pool at 06:00 on Friday, nice and quiet, but I wasn’t really up for it, did 30 mins or so, but found it difficult to breath most of the session. I have been trying a four stoke breath, and its okay, but once I lose concentration its back to 3 stroke. Also was thinking about how to handle the sea and chop, and i think i panicked myself ;o) Oddly there was a youngish woman in our changing rooms today – cleaning up – well I think it was a she, certainly was aisan, and I think female. Just seems a little odd that she/he was just wiping things down and was there from before I started the swim and was still there afterwards… Got home and as it was early I nipped out for a two mile run just to keep things in check.


Saturday and Sunday are days of rest this week. On Sat I ate a packet of Onion Rings, Bacon Fries, Salt and Vinager Sticks and a packet of handcooked cheese and something – all massive bags. Then a microwavable rack of ribs with southern fried chips and two baguettes with a variety of inserts (marmite, salmon and ham (not all together). And sat on the sofa to watch the Lions and the first eight episodes of The Sopranos. Now this is LIVING ;o)


Run: 6 miles

Cycle: 16

Swim: 1500 in 50m pool then two x 30 min sessions in little pool

Beer: 10 x Stella, 9 x Stella cans


21 – three weeks to go

Really getting close now, really wanted to be “good” this week. I wasn’t great, but could have been so much worse. Unfortunately have hurt my knee now, so hope it gets better quickly…

Monday – in the pool today, not too busy, but got busy towards the end because I think they are doing aqua-arobics, so its was biddyville towards the end, and one bloke was swimming like a half dead goldfish and getting in my way – I am sure we wanted to go round and round rather than up and back – but I just “powered” passed him. Had around 40 mins, trying to improve technique and get myself used to taking four strokes before breathing. This first 400meters are hard, so this is what I have to get past in the sea, then the rest is just difficult… Did manage to get the breathing okay, and tried twisting my body a little as the manual says. Also tried a little bit without the nose clip – nope that ain’t gonna work ;o)

Tuesday up at 5:15 and in the pool in Cardiff at 6:30(ish), it is big, and very cold, and long, and cold. And long. 10 lanes open, I picked one with what looked like one guy in and started off – only needed to do 30 lengths – piece of cake! So after 2 lengths I was knackered, but kept on plugging away, I did the first 6 lengths without my nose clip – didn’t like it, so stuck it on after that (thankful for a little break). Its the first 500 meters or so which are the hardest, then the second 500m that’s the hardest also, the last 500m are the most hardest though… I kept hitting my hand on the divider, which isn’t soft and nice like the one in the Hilton, this one is hard and competitive – my hand hurts now. I found difficultly in keeping up the four strokes breathing, so reverted to every three, which I don’t know will be possible in the real sea – but we will see. I think I’ll be back to the 50meter pool next week.!.

Back running on Weds, I had been challenged to run a three mile course a little faster than I usually would, so thought I would give it a go – it nearly killed me!! ;o) A three mile loop of sorts down to Undy and back – I certainly set of at quite a speed, and slowed considerably at the end, but managed an average of just over an 8 minute mile – which is fast for me..

On Thurs I had planned to go for a little run in the morning, then a swim later, but after getting up at 5:30 and seeing the rain and wind outside, I figured my body and hence training, would be better served by going back to bed for an hour and a half. So had to get down the pool again this afternoon, as I walked passed the windows there was only one person there – cool, a normal Thurs afternoon. Then, by the time I got changed there were five people in the pool, but I quickly secured a spot over by the edge, plunged in and started the swim. Saw CJ on the way in, seems he must be a member of the gym here, not seen him for ages – since he went to be a drama queen.

Swim wasn’t too bad, tried to work on my stroke and get used to breathing after four strokes – its not easy. Lost count of the lengths, but did around 35 minutes or so. The guy next to me was swimming like a pleb, doing backstroke with his arms splayed across the entire pool the pratt – still one consolation – he’s old.

So here we are – nearly the weekend again – wayhey!!! Out on a 4.3 miler – usual route, up the hill to start then over the motorway ( ). Had a pain the arch of my right foot first thing, which I get now and again – thankfully is went after about 5 mins of running. Also noticed that my trainers are on the way out – seeings as I bought them for the marathon in 2010 they have lasted quite well – but it’s too late to get some new ones now… Pretty good time, but a little fast for me. Hoping for a six miler on the weekend, and maybe a wee cycle as I have done nothing on the bike so far this week.

Final session of the week was a six miler, which I over cooked and ran 6.8 miles. Was too hung over really, and was dehydrated, started well enough, but after four miles or so I started flagging – it was quite tough, and I have now hurt my legs and twisted something in my knee. The knee is okay most of the time, but is painful on certain directions, so will keep off the running for a while.

No cycle this week at all, as Sunday was Daddies Day so this was to be my full “rest day”. Unfortunately with the hopeless weather this week, an afternoon cycle just hasn’t been worth it.

Just two weeks to go now, and I am very apprehensive, and quite concerned about the swim. I hope to get down and stick a few lengths in this week, couple of little runs and cycles and NO BEER!


Run: 14 miles

Swim: 3 x 1500 meters

Cycle: Nothing


Beer: 2 x 1664, 1 x Stella can, 10 Stella pints, 1 Heiniken



Okay – so it has to get serious now. Unfortunately there are only 3 three weeks left, but I am not ready and I have been completly rubbish at taking this serious. The swim this weekend has really worried me, and I honestly thought, whilst in the sea, that I would have to call it a day and withdraw….

Started slowly with Monday spent in Cardiff again, so up at 5:30, home at 2:30 then calls until 5:30 – so no time at all fr any exercise.

On Tuesday I thought I might make amends for yesterday, so started off with a 4 mile run, first thing in the morning, reverse course. Then got over to the pool, and managed to get 35 mins in – it was quite busy again, but managed to struggle through until it got too packed. Then in the afternoon took a cycle up the “big hill” the boys had cycled on the weekend. It was tough, but a good route even though it was short it was a good workout.

Weds was a big run time, went at completly the wrong time, but had to squeeze it into the rest of the day so 6 miles up and down ( ) but it was very very warm. Almost too warm, and like a muppet I ran in my jacket – jeepers it was bad man. So had to console myself by going down the pub about 5 to pick up Kate – managed to sneak in 3 pints, but then had another 3 cans when I got home.

On thurs it was swim day again, very quiet in the pool and managed the full 40 mins around 84 lengths. All seems good!

Friday was just a quick 3 mile run as my legs were a little tender from earlier in the week.

Saturday was back in Pembs for another attempt at a sea swim – it was awful. Got down around 16:00 as the tde was on the way in, and although quite cold, I now have a hat and that helped a lot. I tried swimming and it was okay for 4 or 5 strokes then I just couldn’t get any breath. The waves were crashing over me and it was just impossible. I managed at most 2 minutes before having to stop – this is a real worry. I swam for perhaps 15 to 20 mins in total, but no more than 2 mins at a time. I just cannot get any breath. I can only hope that when the tide is completely in there are no waves and somehow, miraculously it will all just be fine. I honestly thought as I came out of the water than I would have to withdraw.

Back in Magor on Sunday, so took off for a 26 mile cycle, then a 4 mile run straight afterwards – around 2:15 to 2:20 for both, which is okay. Just another two miles to run – which I think I may have been able to do, so hopefully as long as I can do the swim I should make it round….


Have to hit the pool hard for the next three weeks and try to improve the technique and get used to less breathing perhaps – who knows. I am worried.

Run: 17 miles

Cycle: 40 ish

Swim: 150 lengths, 600m in the sea

Beers: 3 x Stella Pint, 3 x stella can; 1 x Carlsberg, 2 x Grolsh, 2 x Carling, 7 x Bud bottles, 2 x Stella bottles



19 – and counting


Another week gone – really bad week for me this week, as I had expected to be a good boy, with no beer or anything else and lots of training – that didn’t happen!!!

Monday was Bank Holiday again so spent it recovering from the weekend and possibly having a beer or two. No fitness what so ever. Called into the Piercefield and had some lunch and a couple of Amstels, then had a few in the evening in the sun.

Tuesday I was ready to get back into the pool to at least be sure that I could actually do the distance – even if in the calm waters. Got there at normal time and it was full of guests (I assume because they were shitbags). I lasted 4 mins – 4 bloody minutes in the pool. I started when there was only one other person, then some girls were diving in my way, then more people arrived and thought they could just swim like spaz’s all around. 4 mins – I was not happy.

On Weds I was up early, thinking that I would go swimming again, but thought it might be full of the regulars getting in before the guest crush, so I went for a reverse run instead. 4.2 miles and 340 mins, I used Strava, but it didn’t seem to want to work this early in the morning so didn’t register the run accurately enough – so I didn’t get on the place board… Went out tonight for a meal and three beers, or maybe four.

Headed into Bristol on Thurs for work, so no exercise again – did get four pints of Amstel in on our planning session over at Graze.

Week almost over, so another run this morning – reverse normal again – its being done so often it is almost normal normal now? Usual(ish) time, got Strave working so I could see how poor  I in relation to the other runners.

Saturday was Toms birthday, so was out early and ran a 6 miler, in 55 mins – it was so warm I had nowhere to put my phone so couldn’t track it – it took 55 mins and in routebuilder it looked like 6 miles: .   Tom bought us a beer or two, as is the expectation on an 18th, so had four in the sun, then one or two back at the house.

Felt okay on Sunday morning, so went out for a cycle – Strava’d it (   ) about 26 miles in 1:35 – not a bad run. The clicking seems to have stopped temporally – think it might be the peddle. Felt good, so straight after I went for a quick 2 mile run, which is just good to remind me how hard it is!!!!!!


What a week:

Run 2 x 4, 1 x 2

Swim rubbish 4 minutes

Cycle: 26 miles

Beers: 2 x Heineken, 4 x Amstel, 7 x Stella, about 12 Stella cans (perhaps more… Bad week)