Pembs Tri 2014

So one year since I did the last one, one year! One whole year – that is scary. Well, anyway, I didn’t do it this year, so no swim training for me over the last 4 months – instead, I went down to watch GD and have some pints – that is a far better approach.

So down the dreaded M4 at 3:30 on Friday, slow traffic almost immediately so we got off at Newport and went through Spytty and out by Tredegar House. Slow but possibly quicker – and the rest of the way was a bit stop start, but not too bad at all. Did rain like a mental case for a bit though.

So we were going to go out for some nosh, but instead we stayed in and got a ruby murry – from the Taj Mahal – but one time haunt in Haverfordwest. I have spent many many nights scoffing curry here, and I don’t think the curry has really changed in 20 years, its not as hot as it used to be though ;o)

Stayed at my folks for the night, then up early to get to Broad Haven before the 09:00 start. Searched out GD from 250 people in exactly the same outfits, and managed to give him a good luck before he set off for the swim – it was quite odd watching rather than eventing.

Had a cup of tea and ponced around for a bit, then we had a sit on the wall, and before we knew it GD had flown passed on his bike. We saw him on the beach and he looked really good, as he made his way up the hills to the finish. I met Mr Bradders then, so we went for a quick pint, and by the time we had supped it, we got to the beach just in time for GD to cross the finish, a smidge over three hours – very good.

Beers in the Ocean (the bar not the wet thing) with a pretty miserable bar man, then out the back of the Galleon for a few more Tortoises in the sun. Lovely. Left about 16:00 to get home and then out to the Pump on the Green.

We got to the pub, and it looked busy – we parked and all the locals stared at us, we went in and there was no one in the restaurant, but the miserable old get just said “No” when we asked for a table, I realise they may well have been fully booked, but a little more would have been nice. I will NEVER go there again. But then they are so busy they will hardly care….

So off to the Harp, and it was Sharp, right to the bottom of the glass. San Miguel and Mix Grill – super. The others had fish and crab and fish – Kate’s was massive! And she almost stuffed it all in.

Soon home, and to bed ready for an early return home on Sunday