IM Week 1

Trying to remember what happened!

First week of “real” training, been running for a year now – so it was all about the swim and cycle.

Went out twice, after first finding that my chain had welded to my bike through a little rust. First was just an 18 miler, get back used to it, and last Sat did just under 30 – which went okay. Slightly painful on the under-carriage after about 25, but all in all not too shabby.

I have had some new Shimano boots for Christmas, so along with me woolie boolies I was quite toasty.

Also went for the first swim last Thurs, which was a bit daunting – up about 5:30 to get into the pool for just before 7, do I not like swimming with people. In the 50 meter pool in Cardiff, whih is far better than the training I did before in the tiny Hilton pool. Nearly died on the first length tho, but got into a bit of a rhythm and I think, although the gps watch looks odd, I did 1300 meters in about half hour – so currently on track for something like 1.5 hrs or more at the moment, which is toooooo slow, anyway it’s just the first, gotta go back tomorrow.

Probably worth some stat collection:

Weight: dunno – pretty close to 13 I would guess, too scared to find out

Beers: maybe 8 pints, 4 cans?

Gloucester Half

Just to get a twelfth medal I did the Gloucester half yesterday – it wasn’t actually in Gloucester, more Gloucestershire.

Nike Marr attending with me, and after mentioning that he “just wanted to get around”  – then mentioned that fact he was looking at a 1:40. Buggar.

I set off like a whippet, which lasted all of one mile, then he overtook and kept that pace for the entire jaunt – coming in with an impressive time of 1:39 – and I was pretty pleased with a 1:51!

Not a bad course had a couple of bits that you re-ran, and had a small amount of hills, but all in all I quite enjoyed it, and now I have those dozen medals…

Ironman 1

Hmm, so I went and applied for the 2018 Wales Ironman, and unfortunately as there isn’t much of a selection process – other than sending a few hundred pounds to them – I was successful.

Incase you don’t know, an Ironman is a really stupid idea, it makes you travel 140 miles in a day, well actually in less than 17 hours, in the sea, on your bike and on your feet.

The distance is broken down into a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles on the bike, and then, at the end, when you are already knackered, a marathon (26.2 miles) – now that’s just nuts.

As I have been running a bit, I think it’s safe to say that that is the bit I am less worried about. After nearly drowning swimming just 1 mile in the tri, the swimming is the biggest worry, and as I have finished the carten a few times a hundred mile cycle is doable. The big problem is doing all three.

They reckon you need to get the swim and cycle done in 10.5 hrs, then you have a few hrs to get the run in. Now, a month after spending the spondoolas I am getting nervous.

I have had one swim of 1300 meters, which took half an hour, and I have managed a full 28 miles on the bike so far – so a long where to go – but it’s okay, I have three books.

So, it’s 15th Jan as I type just less than 8 months to go…..