Getting there…

Another week gone, doesn’t time fly… Due to circumstances only went out twice in the week this week, took a couple of days off on Monday and Tues to make sure I wasn’t over-doing things, dd 6 miles on Weds, 5 on Thurs and a “rest” day on Friday because I couldn’t be bothered to go out again. This meant that I was out and about early Saturday morning for a change – which was nice..

It was a little frosty on Sat, and a little chilly on my hands, but pounded down the distributor road to get a decent circuit in, down a different route than the normal long runs to mix it up a bit! Kept to a reasonable pace, not pushing too much, and keeping it around the 9 minute a mile mark to start with, after about 2 miles I heard some pounding of the pavement coming from behind, so moved over and a lady stormed past me, as I cannot resist I did put a little spurt on, but she must have been running about an 8 minute mile, so it was stupid to try to close the gap, and I watched her disappear into the distance, by the time I got to Spitty she was gone.

Ran along the road towards Nash, but turned up the first turning and after about an hour the heavens opened and down came some reasonably cold and very wet rain. I thought I might miss it, as it was sunny to the east, and I was heading that way, but obviously I cannot outrun a shower storm.

Got almost to Redwick and the rain stopped, but 4 miles later as I was arriving into Undy it rained again – just as I was dry. Oh well.. Took the slightly longer way back to Magor from Redwick to make sure I just did the 15 miles this weekend – and really felt quite good. Only took the small water bottle, and didn’t finish it, and had a handful of peanuts and really felt surprisingly good during the day – no real aches or pains. Celebrated with a few bottles of beer and Chinese!

Phil came up on Thurs, so had a few beers, but that was all this week – which means that the beer/run ratio was again pretty good this week.

(Update: realised on Sunday night that November only has 30 days, so went out on a cold, wet and windy Monday morning to run 6 miles and get over 200K for the month on Strava…)

Miles: 26.2

Beers: 6.5 Stella, 8 Peroni bottles.



Another week, another few plods on the road. Started the week well, only had five beers and half a can by Friday, and we were intending to go to Pembs, so no Friday night Lion. Went out on the Tues, Thurs and Friday this week – running a six a six and a four. Nearly got run over by some wally in a panda on the Thursday, and noticed that running up the “distributor road” is now becoming a little scary. The road is getting increasingly busy, and at about 7, when its still dark in the mornings, the trucks rattle past going a fair old speed about three foot from you – I think I may have to attempt to avoid the highway for now…

Jogs are going well, would like to think I am enjoying them, but that would be taking things too far, but its okay – the problem with training is that you have to keep up the distance – so each run is getting closer to an hour to complete, at the moment that’s okay – but once I start re-commuting from January I will need a different plan for training.

Accidentally drank my folks fridge bare on Friday night, and went out with A.P on Sat for a few, so what began as an okay week – ended as a normal one…

Drove back on Sunday, and stuck in traffic for about an hour, so didn’t get to go out for the long one until about 12:30 – way too late for me, and I was pretty tired – but managed to run a 14.5 – normal St Brides, then to Caldicot where I navigated the building site around the station, but then had to run out to Tesco’s to add the extra couple of miles to make it 14 – that’s a hang. After running for two hours to be nearly home, the last thing you want is to have to extend the run just to get those extra miles in. Next time I will plan a route that is door to door over the distance.

Was pretty knackered when I got back, knee’s aching (but not the stabbing pain) hips aching, shoulders aching, feet a bit sore – all in all a bit of a wreck, and I would have to run that another three times at least!…

Miles: 31

Beers: 5 Stella, Half Fosters, ~10 bottles, 3 Grolosh, 3 Carling.

Friday 13th

Well, it’s been a bit of a week for the world, although every week the mentalists in the world kill a load of innocent people, this week it hits closer to home with the terrible Paris bombings. Facebook went a but nuts with all the new profile pictures, and we are now at threat level “it’s going to happen” in the UK..

As far as running goes, a pretty good week. Got out three times in the week for around 5 miles each time, and then stepped up for a longer one on Sunday. Had intended to do a longish run, of approx 10 miles or so, but felt good on the way round so decided to add a little at the end to make it up to a half marathon. Really windy day, and its been raining loads, but luckily this morning the ran pretty much stopped and just had the wind to content with.

Went down St Brides and across five lanes, then took the right up through the woods, to give me a little practice on the uneven surface (and add a bit of an up), the down to Severn Tunnel and back along the track – this track was where the full force was felt – it was blumming windy. Last time I took this route I had significant pains in my knee just before the track, but this time it all went well, I think it must be the shoes, and the slightly slower place which is helping, but whatever it was I felt pretty strong all the way around. Just have to do that run another four times after each other to make the race – hmmm..

I think 13 miles is about he limit of the little running bottle, was getting pretty thirsty at the end – so will have to look at bringing another one maybe, or getting something bigger for the further runs. Got home and ate a Pie which was nice, then we took a run into Newport where they have just opened a new shopping Mall, which is a street which is inside. Its not 100% completed yet, but seemed okay – but was really busy…

Still feeling reasonable this afternoo, so am very pleased with the way its gone so far,will need to look at a slight increase of distance over the next fou/five weeks until Christmas, so don’t think I will get to the 20 miles target by then, but we’ll see – just dont want to overdo it!.

Signed up for the St Davids Half at the end of Feb this week also, GD is signed up, and maybe Peaky – so its a good excuse to get together…

Miles: 29

Beers: 12 Stella (nice to see the miles/beer ratio is getting better)




So I ran a marathon this week – although it did take 5 days, and I walked for 3 miles of it..

Had a couple of five milers and this w/e risked a 9 miler – went really well. Not sure if my leg is maning up, or my body is getting used to the shoes, or the fact that I am attempting to run with a straighter back, and smaller strides but something means that I managed the whole 9 miles today with pretty much no knee pain – ace.

Keeping to a slightly slower pace until I found myself being passed by a girl – when I had to speed up to attempt to keep up – well that lasted about a mile or so and saw my lap average go up a bit, but then tiredness and sensibility kicked in and I plodded on, slowly stalking her…

So out to Redwick, back to Undy and down under the motorway and up, up, up and down to the shop. Luckily the rain had just stopped, and all in all it was very nice.

Miles: 26

Beers: 11 Stella, 3 Peroni

Messy Week

Another week, but not one in work – ace. After the court, we went a little South, the a little North, then home, then out then relax then today.

Had a pretty heavy week on the food and drink this week, but did manage to get out for a couple of little runs during the week, and back out for an 8 today. Unfortunately, after last Sunday’s good run with no pain, the knee is sore again today. Started tweaking about 5 miles in, the progressively worse until the end – it is really becoming a bit of a ball ache now.

Run was good other than that, not very tired, jut bad right knee – bloody thing. I really will have to start doing some exercise – reading the web it does appear it may be related to the IT band thing, so I think some exercise and stretching may help me..

Had my first massage this week, but it was all a little pampery, rather than working on the muscles. There were a few moments where I though something may happen, but as it was a Spa massage, it was all a little gentle. maybe I need to find a good one around here and get something a little more forceful? Had a load of new kit for my birthday, so I have Born to Run to read, and new socks and under-armor to test out – and finally my very own Welsh rugby shirt, ready for the six nations!!

Miles: ~19

Beers: 9 San Miguel, 3 Kingfisher, 1 1664, 15 Stella