Race to the Stones – T minus 2

Boy have I felt sad this week.

After Fridays disaster, I have felt an overwhelming sadness over the last couple of days, which is difficult to explain. The leg has been pretty damn sore, and I have read every single article on the web regarding hamstrings, and not one of them said it was a good idea to run 100K with a dodgy one.

I started icing, but am now on the old hot water bottle, and to be fair its feeling considerably better – but, there is obviously still something wrong. I can now stretch to an extent, although I have been careful not to over do it, and walking has an almost pleasant pain – something like a small stiffness. I have not really run at all, I jogged a few steps and it still pulls, but I am hopeful with another two days and a strap it will hold out a little.

Not really hopeful for the whole thing though, and in a different world I would just shy off and not even attempt it, but, it bought and paid for, so I may as well try, and see how long it lasts. At least I know if it goes like the last time, then I will have to stop as it was too painful to continue. It’s so frustrating that the damage was caused I would imagine simply by over training, but if only it had broken two weeks later – perhaps its better happening when it did, rather than on the course – at least I have had a full week of rest.

I started “proper” training around October, and had a couple of issues with my knees, I have run around 1000 miles since the start of this journey with about 4 marathons in that. I had run about 430 miles in total when training for the marathon, so as this is 2.5 times as long, then seems to stack up perfectly ;o)

So I have another two days before the start, and I just hope that my hamstring lasts – even if it does, that doesn’t mean the rest of me will!!

Roll on Saturday….