
What an odd name – I keep calling it “in the” makes a lot more sense. So, as Sian is off, and I had taken a day off on Monday anyway to get my holidays down we decided to look for somewhere to visit for a night. Its always a bit complicated finding a place, and a room which is big enough but not too expensive – so took a while investigating TripAdvisor – I narrowed it down to the Cotswolds, and wanted to visit STow, so after some investigation and a chat with a bloke we agreed on a night in Moreton for a very reasonable £99 for a “delux-junior-suite” – which was nice.


Moreton is about and hour and a half away, so we set off on Sunday around 10:30 ish – which was quite good as we had a few drinks (and a couple more) at a birthday party the night before. But before we knew it we were in Stow. I had passed through many times on the way to Milton Keynes, but had never actually had a look around. Worryingly as we got closer to Stow the snow on the ground got worse – at one point it was right across the road and a rather unfortunate car had obviously not slowed enough and was on its roof in the field. We took it easy.

Once arrived we filed out of the car (after paying for parking – on a Sunday!) and realised quite what -2 feels like. Also the wind – it was bitter. Stupidly, yet again I had not brought my “big” coat – which was so silly as I could have left it in the car had I not needed it – but anyway, I had a scarf – so I was bound to be toasty. We had a quick glance around the town – which is very nice, had a look in the flea market – which wasn’t. Why is it that flea markets think its okay to but a 5 pound price tag on a useless old piece of shit. just cos its old doesn’t automatically make it worth anything you dopey idiots. But it was okay as there was a bus full of yanks who were cooing over everything – “Hey doe-reen, see this old British drinking cup”.

We soon left and went for nosh – first stop on the trip away was Huffkins, which was a nice, if expensive tea shop. I had the Old Spot sausage which was lovely, with some home made tomato sauce which was great – Kate didn’t approve. Washed down with some chippy chips and some tea. Once full but 30 quid poorer we had a look in a sweet shop. Not sure why? Then back to the car to get to Moreton.

Four miles later we were there. Moreton is a street, with some buildings, a couple of hotels and seven drinking establishments. It was around 1:30 – plenty of time to sample the goods.

We had an initial look up and down the strip, and decided to start our endeavors in the pub which was furthest away. They had a duck house on the pond which was nice. Arriving at the counter we were met with a little hostility I felt – it was like walking into a cave of halfbreds. But once water and after a read of the paper we left on good terms.

We checked in next – the hotel ( was really rather great, the room was also pretty fab, with a separate lounge which Kate stayed in – she had her own TV! Cool! Nice, nice, nice. Back into their bar for the most expensive round of fdrinks of the day then once done we ventured out to sample the delights of the rest of the public establishments.

The Bell- very quiet, Stella in a squat chalice. Not great. We sat next to a hydrant and someone asked us to watch his bag – we though of some fun we could have – but we were not drunk enough yet – so didn’t do anything.

The Black Bear – one pissed local, long bar, dartboard over the fire – which was roaring. Had a black bear and three TV’s. San Miguel – impressive toilets un-becoming the establishment.

The White Hart Hotel – nearly stayed here, big open fire, the fish smelt good, Amstel – quite nice.

The Manor House – really nice place, and had a plug to charge my phone (which wasn’t connecting – stupid Facebook app), Amstel (I think), great toilets again.

The Swan – odd, Stella Tortoise, was a bit like a Labour/Social club – too many children and dopey parents. Can’t remember too much of it.

The Spice Room – Ruby Murry, Mongoose, Starter and Vindaloo which was not very hot. Stuffed as a stuffed thing.

Tesco Metro – Chocolate peanuts, Water and Pork Scratchings.

Bed – pooped.

Next day we had a great breakie, then checked out and headed for Cirencester. Car was missing and really feeling rough, then the engine light came on and it was panic time. Checked to see if someone had stuck an apple up the exhaust and continued – then the light went off and it was fine.

Cirencester is a nice place, it was cold again, we had a look around – nearly bought a statue – should have picked it up on the way back round but forgot. Had a sarnie in Cafe Mosaic which TripAdvisor said was brilliant, but wasn’t.

Home James.


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