Double Digit Delight

Weekend here again, did some excellent prep work last night with 8 pints and some fish and chips. Woke up this morning feeling pretty ropey – so as penance I made myself get on up and out.

Ran and ran and ran and ran and ran today – managed just over 11 miles today in around 1hr 50 minutes, another average of just over 6mph so pretty pleased I can say. Went round a similar route to the last run to start, but where I nipped off home on Thurs this was not even half way today. On I pounded, and with “Highway to Hell” blaring in my ears I started the second 6 miles..

Pretty shattered by the end of the run, and found that my feet where actually hurting for the first time today, although surprisingly perhaps I have not had any blisters even though I just wear “normal” socks. Also found my right knee was very painful by the end – but nothing some ice couldn’t fix – although I am walking round like a 90 year old.

Coming down the final mile today I realised that I would have to do the whole run again and some more to be finishing the full one – that’s a kind of scary thought!! So 2 miles off a half marathon today which gives some type of milestone reached – still can’t stand running though!!!


Days left: 95

Confidence: 50%

Ability: 47%

One thought on “Double Digit Delight”

  1. Yep can relate to that – was laying on settee yesterday and had to push through that barrier all professional athletes get to reach over to the next chair to get the remote for the TV rather than shouting one of the kids down from upstairs to get it for me. Ah the trials and tribulations of we athletes

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